Monday, April 18, 2011

Racism and stereotypes in cartoons and how it could negatively affect our children

What does racism and cartoons have to in common with each other? They both manipulate the children thoughts and perceptions of other minorities rather their sending a negative or positive messages. Cartoons forever have been a big influence on children all the way back into the 1920's when they were first introduce.Cartoons have a major influence on children's minds and imagination on a lot of  things in life including race.
Back in the day innocent childhood favorite cartoons such as Bugs Bunny  have portrayed some racist clips that they never really show on tv today. Back in the 1940's and 1950's when racism was more out there cartoon clips can get away with it more unlike today were they send more subliminal messages unless its an adult cartoon show like Family Guy.  Here are some clips of the good and the bad of stereotypes in cartoons from 1950's till today. They are funny ass hell but  children shouldn't be allowed to watch Family Guy because they don't get that everything is a joke when they throw in racial jabs at other ethnic groups. Children  have the tendency to take everything way too literal.I just posted five clips and links below enjoy and leave your thoughts and answers on any of them.


  1. Alright, Devin. I like that you're revising the proposal significantly. That's important. I think you can probably break this down and turn it into several entries. You're talking about a lot here.

    I'd also urge you to clean up the writing some. Informal is one thing, but a mass of misspellings and errors is another. Your ideas are sound-- now work on the writing itself.

  2. Very interesting blogs, Devin. One thing I am particularly interested in is how children are manipulated. I personally think the entire concept of A.D.D. comes from none other than parents letting the TV babysit, namely the overly bright-colored Disney Channel. One thing you may want to reference is Racism in the Disney movie Fantasia. If you youtube-search it you'll find it.
